Suite à une refonte complète, Mikrokosmos a fermé ses portes et la communauté a fait ses bagages sur une nouvelle plateforme et vers un nouvel univers. Le forum n'est accessible qu'aux anciens membres encore inscrits.
Ah !! No problem, don't worry ! I was just scared for you ; you never know in these kind of events. Keep me in touch, I'll meet you when you are done. Take your time
distracted by somekind of animal that was super cute and then i looked around and you were gone so ipet it more and then i forgot we were together and got tired so i went home and then i just fell asl
i hope you can forgiv me and youhave a great time and you stay safe and im super happy you came to the festival with me for real it means a lot to me and youre a real fried and i like you very muhc and now im being weird so ill just tell you good night and enjoy youself