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C'est un Match !@isaac & @kei ont indiqué qu'ils se plaisaient

@isaac rosewood
Yes a few. When I started, it happened that some staff were not very great with me and the shoots were so awful.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 23:23
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
It's a shame to restrict yourself to fake plants but I can understand.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 23:50
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
Yes, I have been teaching dance for three years.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 23:51
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
All is well now, I guess? They finally learned to respect you?
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 23:51
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
Are you an early riser or a late riser?
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 23:52
Or I don't have any plant, fake or not.
(#) Lun 06 Déc 2021, 09:29
In a dance school or whatever ?
(#) Lun 06 Déc 2021, 09:30
I don't work anymore with them tho, I only work with staff who respect me and my team. It's just for them bc they lose someone.
(#) Lun 06 Déc 2021, 09:31
I'm more a late rise, I like to stay in my bed all day. Hate when I have to get up early. You ?
(#) Lun 06 Déc 2021, 09:32
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
No, I'm teacher in Mahoutokro :eyes:
(#) Lun 06 Déc 2021, 13:25
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
Too bad for them, they should have respected you from the beginning.
(#) Lun 06 Déc 2021, 13:26
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