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C'est un Match !@isaac & @kei ont indiqué qu'ils se plaisaient

@isaac rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
That's a good way to do it, I think. The main thing is that you like it.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 14:24
It is and it's better that way. That's for you, for others.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 14:36
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
Yes, it does. I'd like to see what it looks like when you have other hair colours though.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 14:41
Be prepare to see it on instagram then.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 15:25
You'd like to see lot of things.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 15:26
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
I'm curious by nature. And I'm getting more and more curious about you.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 16:02
That’s a good point huh ?
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 18:06
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
Of course
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 18:58
Isaac Rosewood
Isaac Rosewood
Can you tell me more about you ?
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 18:58
Like what ?
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 19:08
That kind of question is not really my friend. I feel like I’m in a meeting for a job.
(#) Dim 05 Déc 2021, 19:09
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