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Takano Keita
Takano Keita
Hey so...
I failed all my exams.... I pretty much couldn't write anything...
And I'm supposed to meet our dear step father tonight...
Kinda received a howler...
Something about the gala...
So before I die... I wanted to tell you that I love you.
Also, plz don't tell anyone i told you that
(#) Ven 06 Mar 2020, 10:32
6 mars, 11:12
what do you mean you failed ALL your exams  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f610
ALL your exams ?
really ?
omg i can't believe it
you deserve this howler tbh
6 mars, 11:46
ilu too
but pls don't drop school
(#) Ven 06 Mar 2020, 18:36
Takano Keita
Takano Keita
6 mars, 20:01
I did write something sometimes but... yeah.. well...you know
I was supposed to be expelled tbh... but daddy dearest got me to stay if I repeat my senior year... with a tutor and curfew
I kinda wanna die right now
(#) Ven 06 Mar 2020, 20:02
first, u don't have the right to die if i'm not the one telling u to do it
and two, it's not a bad new actually cause i worry too much about u knowing that u hangout so much with nas  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f610
u play too much with my heart  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f62b
i mean seriously, you underestimate yourself too much, maybe you didn't fail that much and it'll be good enough to attempt a freshman year  ? we'll see the results  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f636
everything is fine as long as you finish at least high school ok ?
(#) Sam 07 Mar 2020, 19:28
Takano Keita
Takano Keita
Yeah... I guess we will know when the results are out... But do you really think they'll take my as a freshman ?
Do I even want to be a freshman ?
I'm kinda lost...
I'm sorry I worry you so much
(#) Sam 07 Mar 2020, 19:45
Takano Keita
Takano Keita
7 mars, 22:14
(#) Sam 07 Mar 2020, 22:45
you could have your place if you'll want it... i'm not happy to say this but i'm sure your case can be welcomed by our dear director's mercy  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f61f
i wish i could help you but you have to find out yourself what's the best for u
it's fine, that's my duty i guess to worry for each one of u  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f62d  

7 mars, 23:45
he KNOWS what's happening tomorrow

8 mars, 15:14

oh well i guess he didn't know

8 mars, 21:38

KEITA SAVAGE TOLKIEN WHERE A THOU  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f61f
just got home i bought a cake but damn u already left  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f62d
happy birthday baby kei, love u
(ur cake is waiting in the fridge in the white box i put a note saying it's vegetables to be sure no one takes it before u)
be careful outside ofc but enjoy ur night with ur friends  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f61b
(i saw oz's bed but that's fine he deserves it)
(#) Dim 08 Mar 2020, 20:23
Takano Keita
Takano Keita
09 mars, 15:47
Hey mom...
Jk i know u don't like when I call you mom
sorry i didn't answer sooner
thank you  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f618  i'll eat the cake when i get home !
speaking of oz.... something kinda weird happened and... i'm a bit lost
(#) Mer 11 Mar 2020, 09:53
i'm too young for this crap i'm on ONLY 32 miyuko & keita tolkien 1f612
don't wait too much cause i hear the fridge's door way too much than usual  miyuko & keita tolkien 1f610
did he cry because of his bed ? cause he's way more sensitive these past weeks
seriously tho what happened ?
(#) Mer 11 Mar 2020, 16:57
Takano Keita
Takano Keita
He only cried about that on the family convo but
we were supposed to meet at the sk8 park saturday night because we texted and he was all like "do you really think I don't care about u" to which I reply "duh, you obviously don't care"
but he kinda seemed hurt by that so i wanted to meet him in a safe place... and the sk8 park has memories you know... As it was the 7th i asked if he could stay till midnight but he said he had to work early and blablabla
so OBVIOULY i was pissed (that's when i texted about not saying anything to him) and so i ghosted him
like i needed anymore proof that he doesn't give a shit about me
then i set his bed on fire because he didn't think about my bday AT ALL
then i go to my party with my friends
kinda forgot most of the night but that's not the issue here
Fucking Oz
he seemed very worried and/or concerned idk
he didn't even say anything... and i wonder if i should talk to him about it or just do as usual and kinda do nothing...
but at the same time i feel like i would really need him nowadays...
but i don't want him to step on my heart again...
i mean i know i won't ever be as important as ruem to him but y'know... we were closer before... and now every time i feel like i'm getting my brother back he does something stupid
(#) Mer 11 Mar 2020, 17:13
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