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tianyi & bae

2 participants
C'est un Match !@tianyi & @Bae ont indiqué qu'ils se plaisaient
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
You'd go with me and stand against me. And we had a bit of fun.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:10
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
must've been so great...... but maybe it's not too late ?
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:12
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
Since it's not too late for you to change. Oh... that's right, it's impossible.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:13
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
nothing is impossible, babe. and i'll make that happen.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:19
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
What's in it for you, huh? You'd have me in your bed once and then go on to hurt others?
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:21
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
well, you, obviously ? i'd have you and that's well enough.

Gaia Belacqua a feelsé sur ce message

(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:26
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
You used to have me.

Huang Tianyi et Gaia Belacqua ont feelsé sur ce message

(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:27
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
yeah, thanks captain obvious, now i don't have you anymore.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:29
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
what's the big deal about this ? you said you dreamed of me. isn't it enough ?
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:30
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
Because you really think that a few dreams can be enough? How do I know you don't tell everyone you meet that you've dreamt about them, hmm?
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:31
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
One wonders why you no longer have me.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 01:31
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