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tianyi & bae

2 participants
C'est un Match !@tianyi & @Bae ont indiqué qu'ils se plaisaient
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
I was fucking there, I was by your side the whole time. You could have told me, you could have told me you were afraid of love.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:21
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
see, it's not in the past.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:25
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
wasn't that ages ago ? do i really have to explain now when it was my kid self who did that ?
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:26
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
I want to know.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:27
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:28
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
I need to know.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:28
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
well why would i bother explain if you won't trust what i have to say ?
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:29
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
Try to explain, we'll see if I believe you or not.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:29
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
the truth is pretty simple. i was scared so why would i tell you that, the one making me scared ? and then i ran away, that's it.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:36
Huang Tianyi
Huang Tianyi
that's all there is to it. kids make mistakes all the time.
(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:36
Bang Bae
Bang Bae
You don't think I was afraid? I was in love with you when I had never felt that way about anyone else, at least not as strongly.

Gaia Belacqua a feelsé sur ce message

(#) Mar 07 Déc 2021, 12:38
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