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Felix & Lloyd

2 participants
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
Hahaha, ok, fuck you, you're the one pushing me. I have a very nice imagination tho. So I'll wait a little bit more, stop tempting me like a devil.
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 11:32
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
"Devil” is my middle name apparently, didn't you know? But interesting to see that you can wait a little longer.
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 11:41
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
It's like fate put you on my path exactly when I needed a little bad around. Amazing.
Interesting how?
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 11:47
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
Fate likes to play tricks on us. And it's interesting in the sense that it means I haven't reached your limits yet.
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 11:58
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
It does.
Oh, well, tbf I think my limits depend on lots of things. But right now you're getting closer. I'm not gonna sleep well tonight, you'll be stuck on my mind.
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 12:03
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
I guess you're already getting used to what it will be like to spend a night with me: a sleepless night.
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 12:05
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
Aaaand that's it. That's my limit. I'm done. If I keep talking to you tonight, it's gonna end up in me apparating at your place or wherever the fuck you are. But I wanna wait, just a little. So that you really desire me when you'll see me.
So I'll take the tension and the urges I feel right know, and drown it under a cold shower, right?
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 12:13
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
You're a really bad man, Lloyd. Didn't expect my night to end like that. Loving it tho.
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 12:14
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
So patient... I can't wait to see how long you can last before you want to join me and end up in my bed. Unless it's somewhere else? Maybe a hotel, or even a place outside?
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 12:27
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
But what a pity to make it all disappear under cold water...
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 12:28
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
I hope you never get used to that side of things, then. Because it's nice to see you being surprised.
(#) Ven 24 Juin 2022, 12:28
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