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Felix & Lloyd

2 participants
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
Mh, it's particularly different from my habits and I don't really know if it corresponds to what I want.
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:29
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
But, either way, I'm already planning to see someone tonight. You'll have to find someone else
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:30
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
Oh, ok. That's too bad. I won't bother you anymore then. It was nice. Enjoy your night.

Lloyd Marsh et Kikuchi Sawako ont feelsé sur ce message

(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:33
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
You don't bother me, I hope you find someone too.

Felix Gabriel et Kikuchi Sawako ont feelsé sur ce message

(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:35
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