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Felix & Lloyd

2 participants
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
Really? You don't even have a little preference? Personally, I know I prefer men to women. Maybe because men have less of that "fragility" aspect that makes me not afraid to hurt them.
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 22:49
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
I prefered women for a long time. But since I got hurt, I'm feeling more into men again.
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 22:55
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
Well, you didn't hurt me.
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 22:55
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
I guess that's a good thing, at least from my perspective.
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 22:56
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
Really ? When you were able to see so much of my home when you came ?
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 22:57
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
What do you mean? Seeing your home should have hurt me?
(it did in a way, I envy your lifestyle very much, that penthouse is amazing)
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:00
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
Mh... maybe it wasn't explicit enough but I don't let everyone see my home. At least, not to those I don't want to mistreat a little bit.
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:03
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
Oh. I like that I was one of the lucky ones then. And promise, I didn't feel that mistreated. Maybe just roughed up a little bit. Nothing that wasn't nice.
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:11
Lloyd Marsh
Lloyd Marsh
Manhandling you was very pleasant, by the way. Anyway, I have to leave you, I have some work to catch up on.
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:14
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
Oh, ok sure, I forgot you're a busy man. Good night.
It was pleasant being manhandling by you, too.

Lloyd Marsh a feelsé sur ce message

(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:18
Felix Gabriel
Felix Gabriel
june 30th, 12:47
Hey there, what's your thought on seing someone for more than a one night stand? I could really use some company tonight, and as you know, yours was a delightful. Would you make some room for me in your busy man schedule?
(#) Sam 02 Juil 2022, 23:27
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