Suite à une refonte complète, Mikrokosmos a fermé ses portes et la communauté a fait ses bagages sur une nouvelle plateforme et vers un nouvel univers. Le forum n'est accessible qu'aux anciens membres encore inscrits.
C'est un match ! @Felix et @Lloyd ont indiqué qu'ils se plaisent !
TW : relation illégale (professeur-étudiant)
Lloyd Marsh
Really? You don't even have a little preference? Personally, I know I prefer men to women. Maybe because men have less of that "fragility" aspect that makes me not afraid to hurt them.
Oh. I like that I was one of the lucky ones then. And promise, I didn't feel that mistreated. Maybe just roughed up a little bit. Nothing that wasn't nice.
june 30th, 12:47 Hey there, what's your thought on seing someone for more than a one night stand? I could really use some company tonight, and as you know, yours was a delightful. Would you make some room for me in your busy man schedule?